Estate Dispute Legal Guidance


If an executor is not honoring the terms of a will, you can file a lawsuit to contest the executors actions or request court supervision of the estate. Consulting with a local attorney specializing in estate law is advisable.

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Candis meeks
Hello Candis, nice to meet you! How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
My unc
Hello Candis! It seems like your message got cut off. Could you please elaborate on the legal issue you're facing with your uncle? Also, could you please provide your location?
Im from Virginia, my grandmother passed away my uncle was executor of estate along with my other uncle according to will filed with courts everything went to him and my uncle, however my uncle had the deeds to * parcels of land put into his, my other uncle and children of my late father and name me and my sister, my uncle wont allow us to have use of property and wont buy o
If your uncle is not honoring the terms of the estate, you may:
- File a lawsuit to contest the executor's actions.
- Request court supervision of the estate.
It is advisable to consult with a local attorney who specializes in estate law.