Revoke Disclaimer Due Fraud


To revoke a disclaimer due to fraud in Texas, file a motion to set aside the disclaimer with clear and convincing evidence. You can file this motion alongside a motion for summary judgment. To authenticate Facebook messages for court, print them directly from Facebook, including date, time, and names of all parties, and provide a signed affidavit. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Texas, petition to revoke a disclaimer submitted in a heirship case due to fraud and forgery and to ask for a summary judgment.
To revoke a disclaimer due to fraud in Texas:
*. File a motion to set aside the disclaimer with the court.
*. The motion must show clear and convincing evidence of the fraud.
*. A hearing will be held where you present your case.
*. If successful, the disclaimer may be revoked.
For summary judgment:
*. File a motion for summary judgment.
*. This motion must show there are no genuine issues of material fact.
*. The court will rule based on the provided evidence.
Please consult a local attorney for personalized advice.
Can I file both at the same time?
Yes, you can file both a motion to set aside the disclaimer and a motion for summary judgment at the same time. However, it's recommended to consult with a local attorney for guidance.
How can I authentice Facebook messages for evidence?
To authenticate Facebook messages for court in Texas:
*. Print the messages directly from Facebook.
*. Ensure the printout includes the date, time, and the names of all parties.
*. A signed affidavit may be needed to swear the messages are authentic.
Consult with a local attorney for personalized advice.