Nursing Home Judgment Concerns


In New Jersey, judgments against deceased individuals can be filed if they had unpaid debts. This claim should be filed against the estate within 9 months of the death. If filed after, it may be denied unless theres a good reason for the delay.

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Nursing home filed that are not of judgment against my deceased mother
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Can you please provide more details on the issue? Also, can you tell me in which state this issue is taking place? This will help me give you the most accurate information.
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In New Jersey, a creditor may file a claim against a deceased person's estate. However, there are certain time limits and procedures to follow. Can you clarify if the nursing home filed a claim before or after your mother's death?
Filed a judgment against my deceased mother
Hello ****, in New Jersey:
- Judgments against deceased individuals can be filed if they had unpaid debts.
- This claim should be filed against the estate within 9 months of the death.
- If filed after, it may be denied unless there's a good reason for the delay.
Can you confirm when the claim was filed?