Inheritance Rights In Texas


The users father is dying in Texas and has no will. His assets, including a house and a car, will be divided equally among his two daughters as per Texas intestacy laws. The user is concerned about her sisters intentions to exclude her from the inheritance. The user was advised to seek legal representation and was provided with information about free legal services in Amarillo, Texas. The user was also informed about the documents needed to start the probate process.

Full Conversation

Don't know
In Texas, if a person dies without a will, their property is distributed according to intestacy laws. As per these laws:

- The deceased's children inherit everything.
- If there's a surviving spouse, the distribution changes.
They got divorced
Since your father is divorced, his assets will be divided equally among his children under Texas intestacy laws. Can you confirm if there are any outstanding debts or mortgages on his property?
No I don't know about that
Do you have any way to find out about any potential debts or mortgages? This information is crucial in understanding how the estate will be divided.
What happened if my sister wants to have it all and excluding me, how much is the process, how to started, do I need a lawyer. I am not from Texas, I'm from NJ, is there an office for legal representation for free, what I need?
What is the current status of your father's estate? Are there any legal proceedings underway?

In general:
- In Texas, assets are divided equally among children if there's no will.
- Legal Aid of Northwest Texas provides free legal services.
- You'll need documents proving your relationship to the deceased.
Could you explain that
Has the estate gone through probate yet, or has any legal action been initiated regarding the division of your father's assets?
What is your sister's reason for wanting to exclude you from the inheritance?

In Texas, if a person dies without a will, their assets are divided equally among their children. You may need a lawyer to represent your interests.
Well since I got here she drives my cars that, told me that the state will collect his belongings and we don't have a nice relationship
What proof do you have of your sister's intentions to exclude you from the inheritance?
No writing proof
Do you have any verbal or digital communication where she expressed her intentions? In Texas, verbal agreements can sometimes be considered in court.
What is your financial situation? Are you able to afford a lawyer or do you need assistance finding free legal representation?
Free legal lawyer
What is your sister's current residence? This information will help determine the jurisdiction of the case. In Texas, the probate process is necessary to distribute assets of a deceased person.
Out of state GA
Do you have any communication with your sister about the estate since your father's passing?
He will be disconnected from life support and dnr very soon, today
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Have you discussed your father's wishes with your sister or any other family members?
No, my dad, my sister and me did not speak for more than ten years
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Have you considered mediation to resolve the dispute over your father's estate?
We did not talk about it. I am asking because she told me that the state of Texas will collect all the belongings of my dad and I google about it and read about intested succession
Do you have any other siblings or relatives who might have a claim to your father's estate?

In Texas, intestate succession laws dictate that if there's no will, assets are divided equally among children.
What is the estimated value of your father's estate? This information can help determine if the estate qualifies for a simplified probate process in Texas.
Not idea
What type of assets did your father own? This can include real estate, personal property, bank accounts, etc.
Silverado truck.and a house
Do you know if there are any outstanding debts or mortgages on the house or truck?
I saw the title paper in the car
Does the title paper indicate that the car is fully paid off?
It says owner my fathers name
Does the title paper also indicate any liens or encumbrances on the car?
I don't know
Do you have any information about any outstanding mortgage or debts on your father's house?
Do you know if your father had any outstanding debts or loans other than the house and car?
Do you have any documents or proof of your father's ownership of the house? This could be a deed, mortgage statement, or property tax bill.
Do you know if your father had any other assets or bank accounts?
Don't know
Do you know if your father had any insurance policies or retirement accounts?
Don't know
Do you have any information about your father's financial situation or any potential creditors who may have a claim against his estate?
Don't know
Do you have any documents related to your father's estate, like bank statements, insurance policies, or property deeds? These can be helpful in the probate process.
Do you have any idea if your father had a will or not?
I think no will
Did your father have any outstanding debts or loans at the time of his passing?
Don't know
Do you have any information about your father's financial situation or any potential creditors who may have a claim against his estate?
Where near to Amarillo is there a free legal office
The Amarillo Area Bar Association offers a free legal clinic. Their contact details are: * SW 8th Ave # *, Amarillo, TX *, USA. Phone: +* *-*-*.
How it works
To start the process, you'll need to file an application for probate in the county where your father lived. It's advisable to have a lawyer, especially if there's a dispute. Legal Aid of Northwest Texas might help.
What papers do I need
To start the probate process, you generally need the following documents:

- Death certificate
- List of assets
- List of debts
- List of heirs and beneficiaries
- Any relevant deeds or titles.
Only will have death certificate
Do you have access to your father's financial records or any other documents that could help identify his assets and debts?
Do you know any of your father's friends, neighbors, or colleagues who might have information about his financial situation or assets?
Do you know if your father had any professional advisors, like a lawyer or accountant, who might have information about his assets and debts?
Do you know if your father had any bank accounts or other financial institutions he used regularly? This could help in identifying potential assets.
Don't know
Do you know if your father had any insurance policies, retirement accounts, or other investments?
No o
Do you have any idea about your father's employment history or any unions or organizations he was a part of? They might have information about potential benefits or assets.
How my sister silently collect his belongings
Did your sister take any action to claim your father's belongings without your knowledge or consent?
Not yet
What steps have you taken so far to protect your rights to your father's estate?
I dont know what to do
I don't know what to do
What steps has your sister taken to claim your father's estate?
None yet
What is your sister's full name and her relationship with your father?
Where is the free legal office in Amarillo tx
The Legal Aid of Northwest Texas has an office in Amarillo. Their address is * SW 8th Ave #*, Amarillo, TX *. You can contact them at (*) *-*.
Other place like that in Amarillo
Another legal aid office in Amarillo is the Panhandle Community Services. Their address is * SW 8th Ave, Amarillo, TX *. You can contact them at (*) *-*.
Is it free?
Yes, both Legal Aid of Northwest Texas and Panhandle Community Services provide free legal services to those who qualify based on income and legal issue.