Medicaid Estate Recovery Questions


Medicaid may recover costs from the estate of a deceased recipient in North Carolina, known as Estate Recovery. This applies to recipients 55 years or older and is limited to certain services like nursing home care. Jointly inherited property is usually exempt. Consult a local lawyer for personalized advice.

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I have some questions about a summons I got on yesterday pertaining my Mom's debt to me Medicaid after her death
Hi Mary, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Could you please tell me where you're located so I can provide the most accurate information?
I am from Madison North Carolina I live in Rockingham County nc
Hello Mary, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In North Carolina, Medicaid may recover costs from the estate of a deceased recipient. This is known as Estate Recovery. It's important to note that:
- Estate Recovery only applies to recipients 55 years or older at the time of death.
- It's limited to certain services like nursing home care.
For further clarification, you may want to contact a local legal aid organization.
I understand that but I just need some answers to a few questions, if I nay
Sure, Mary. Please feel free to ask your questions and I'll do my best to provide you with general legal information based on your situation in North Carolina.
My Mom lived in my grandparents home for a long time and she had to be out in a Nursing Home! She was */* heir to her Mom & Dad's property/. There are other siblings involved in the property/
Hello Mary, thank you for sharing your situation. In North Carolina, property inherited jointly is usually exempt from Medicaid Estate Recovery. However, laws can change and it's best to consult a local lawyer. Would you like a referral?