Intestacy Property Distribution Guide


If a property in New York is willed to a specific individual but later ends up in another persons name who dies intestate, the property will generally follow intestate laws. The intestate succession laws dictate that the property will go to the closest surviving relatives. If the person was married, their spouse usually gets the largest share. If no spouse, children share equally. Consult a local attorney for specific advice.

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This is the will
I understand your situation, but could you please provide the location where the property is situated? This is crucial to provide accurate legal information as intestacy laws vary by location.
Last Will and Testament *, *-60S THER ANTOINETTE TIEDE of the City and State of of New York publish and declare this my last to say: Niagara- Falls , in the County of Niagara being of sound mind and memory, do make, Will and Cestament, in manner following, that is Jirst. I direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid. Serona. I give, devise and bequeath my residence at *-80th Street, Niagara Falls, New York, if owned by me at the time of my death, to my son, JAMES TIEDE. If he shall predecease me, then this bequest shall lapse and become part of my residuary estate. THIRD. I give, devise and bequeath my real estate at * River Road, Town of Wheatfield, if owned by me at the time of my death, to my son, ALFRED. R. TIEDE, JR. if he shall survive me. If he shall predecease me, then this bequest shall lapse and become part of my residuary estate. FOURTH. I give, devise and bequeath my vacant lots on River Road, Town of Wheatfield, if Owned by me at the time of my death, to my children, BEBRA PASQUALICHIG and KARL TIEDE, in equal shares. If either or both DEBRA PASQUAL ICHIO or KARL TIEDE, shall predecease me, then their share shall lapse and become part of my residuary estate. FIFTH. All the rest and residue of my estate, I give and bequeath, in equal shares, to my issue, per stirpes.
Under New York law, if a property is willed to a specific individual but later ends up in another person's name who dies intestate, the property will generally follow the intestate laws.
- The intestate succession laws dictate that the property will go to the closest surviving relatives.
- If the person was married, their spouse usually gets the largest share.
- If no spouse, children share equally.
Please consult a local attorney for specific advice.