Ohio Inheritance Laws Explained


Ohios intestate succession laws allow biological children, including those adopted out, to inherit. Stepchildren cannot inherit unless legally adopted. Disabled adults can inherit but may need a legal guardian for financial matters. Adoption records in Ohio are sealed and require a court order for access.

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My biological dad passed last year and didnt have a will. He has two daughters that were adopted into new families, one daughter who is mentally disabled and living in a group home and one step daughter. Who would be most likely to inherit according to ohio's inheritance laws?
According to Ohio's laws of intestate succession:
- Biological children, including those adopted out, can inherit.
- Stepchildren cannot inherit unless legally adopted.
- Disabled adults can inherit, but may need a legal guardian for financial matters.
Please consult a local attorney for specific advice.
How do i find out if someone was legally adopted in ohio?
In Ohio, adoption records are sealed and can only be accessed with a court order. If you have a legitimate interest, you can petition the court for access. Note: privacy laws may limit the information you receive.