Unlawful Cremation Legal Consequences


The users mother-in-law was cremated without her husbands knowledge, despite her alleged wishes against cremation. The sister-in-law, who had power of attorney, is withholding all legal documents and is the beneficiary of the mother-in-laws estate. The user is unsure if the mother-in-law left a will or any written instructions about her final disposition or the distribution of her property. The user is seeking advice on the legality of the situation and potential next steps.

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My mother in law recently passed away my husbands sister and brother had her cremated without his knowledge she didn't want cremation is that legal
Did your mother-in-law leave a will or any legal document stating her wishes regarding her final disposition?
I'm sure she did but my sister in law has documents and claims she didn't have a will
What state did your mother-in-law reside in at the time of her death? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information.
What is your relationship with your mother-in-law? Did she express her final wishes to you or your husband verbally?
Yes she did also to our children I was taking care of her for 4 years until she went to nursing home a year ago
Did your mother-in-law appoint anyone as her healthcare proxy or power of attorney? This person may have legal authority over her final disposition.
Sister in law
Did your sister-in-law have legal Power of Attorney at the time of your mother-in-law's passing?
As far as know it was only for her mental capacity
Did your mother-in-law ever express her wishes regarding her final disposition in writing, such as in a letter or other document?
I don't know sister in law took all papers
What actions have you taken so far regarding this issue?
What is your sister-in-law's reason for not sharing the documents with you and your husband?
She is beneficiary there is also a house that she is beneficiary on that was to be sold and money split but she's keeping it all
Did your mother-in-law leave any written instructions about the distribution of her property after her death?
I don't know
Did your mother-in-law have a lawyer who might have a copy of her will or any other relevant documents?
Not sure
Did your mother-in-law have any other relatives who might have knowledge about her will or any other relevant documents?
What is the name of the nursing home where your mother-in-law was staying? This could help in obtaining any potential records of her wishes.
Just a moment
What is the name of the city where the nursing home is located?
What is the name of your mother-in-law? This information will help me to provide you with the most accurate information.
Nancy Margaret Bennett
What is the name of your sister-in-law who has the legal documents?
Diane Hoag
What is the name of your husband's brother who was also involved in the cremation decision?
Barry ****
What is the name of the funeral home where the cremation took place?
Horton Wampler
What is the contact information for Diane Hoag? It's important to communicate with her regarding the legal documents and your mother-in-law's final wishes.
My husband doesn't want to give out her no at this time we wanted to know if this was legal or not to know if we should proceed or not
What is the name of the city where your sister-in-law, Diane Hoag, resides? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information.