Estate Planning Options


Both wills and trusts have their pros and cons for managing $2M in assets. A will dictates asset distribution after death, while a trust offers more control during life and after. Confirm property boundaries through a land survey if theres a dispute with a neighbor. For affidavits, create a statement of facts, sign it before a notary public, and have it notarized. MetLife Legal Plans and LegalEASE offer various legal services; choose based on your needs. For speeding tickets in Massachusetts, you can pay the fine, request a hearing, or hire an attorney. A bankruptcy lawyer can help you understand eligibility, guide you through filing, represent you in court, and assist in managing debts.

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I have $2M inn assets
Based on your situation, both a will and a trust could be beneficial.
- A will would allow you to dictate who receives your assets after your death.
- A trust, specifically a revocable living trust, can offer more control over your assets while you're alive and after you're gone.
It's best to consult with an estate planning attorney to discuss specifics.
My neighbor says my fence is on their property, what should I do?
If your neighbor claims your fence is on their property, you may want to:
- Confirm the property boundaries through a land survey.
- Consult a local attorney for advice.
- Consider mediation if you and your neighbor cannot agree.
Remember, this is general advice and local laws in Massachusetts may apply differently in your case.
I live in RI
If you live in Rhode Island, the general advice still stands:
- Confirm property boundaries with a land survey
- Consult with a local attorney
- Consider mediation if you cannot reach an agreement
Local laws in Rhode Island may apply differently in your case.
How can I get an affidavit
In Massachusetts, you can get an affidavit by:
- Creating a statement of facts you swear to be true.
- Signing it in front of a notary public.
- The notary then notarizes the document.
Remember to consult with a legal professional to ensure the affidavit meets all necessary requirements.
What is MetLife Legal Plans
MetLife Legal Plans, formerly known as Hyatt Legal Plans, is a provider of legal benefits. They offer access to a network of attorneys for a fixed monthly fee. Services cover a variety of legal issues including estate planning, real estate matters, and more. Always check the specifics of your plan.
Who is better, LegalEASE or MetLife Legal Plans?
Both LegalEASE and MetLife Legal Plans offer various legal services. The best choice depends on your specific needs.
- LegalEASE provides a broad range of services and has a large attorney network.
- MetLife Legal Plans offers comprehensive coverage for many legal issues at a fixed monthly fee.
Consider your legal needs, budget, and preferred customer service style before deciding.
In Massachusetts, if you get a speeding ticket, you have several options:
- Pay the fine: This is an admission of guilt.
- Request a hearing: This can be done either in writing or online within 20 days.
- Hire an attorney: They can represent you in court.
Remember, the right choice depends on your specific circumstances.
A bankruptcy lawyer in Massachusetts can:
- Help you understand eligibility and different types of bankruptcy.
- Guide you through the filing process.
- Represent you in court.
- Assist you in managing your debts.
Remember to consult with a local bankruptcy attorney for advice tailored to your situation.