Creating Trust And Llc


To create a trust, holding company, and operating LLC in South Carolina, first consult with an attorney to draft a trust document. Then, file Articles of Incorporation for the holding company and Articles of Organization for the LLC with the South Carolina Secretary of State. Understanding your objectives will help determine the best types of trusts and holding companies for your situation.

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I would like to st****rt **** Trust ****nd then **** holding comp****ny under the trust ****nd then cre****te **** oper****ting LLC in South C****rolin****
To cre****te **** trust, holding comp****ny, ****nd oper****ting LLC in South C****rolin****, follow these steps:
- Est****blish **** Trust: Consult with ****n ****ttorney to cre****te **** trust document.
- Form **** Holding Comp****ny: File Articles of Incorpor****tion with the SC Secret****ry of St****te.
- Cre****te ****n Oper****ting LLC: File Articles of Org****niz****tion with the SC Secret****ry of St****te.
Are you f****mili****r with the specific types of trusts ****nd holding comp****nies th****t might be best for your situ****tion?
To guide you better, c****n you provide more det****ils ****bout your objectives for st****rting the trust ****nd holding comp****ny? This will help determine the best types for your situ****tion.