Inheritance Rights For Grandchildren


In New York, if a child predeceases a parent, their share usually goes to their own children (the decedents grandchildren) under per stirpes distribution. The exact interpretation depends on the wills language. Consulting a lawyer is recommended for a thorough understanding.

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My grandmother recently passed away and left her house to her children in her will. My father, who is her son also is deceased. Does that mean his children get his share?
Hello **** ****, inheritance laws vary by location. May I know where you and your grandmother are located? This will help me provide more accurate information.
New York state
In New York, if a child predeceases a parent, their share typically goes to their own children (the decedent's grandchildren). This is called "per stirpes" distribution. However, the actual will's language is crucial for interpretation.
Are we entitled to assets or have to sign off?
In New York, as per "per stirpes" distribution, you are typically entitled to your father's share of your grandmother's asset. However, the final interpretation depends on the exact language of the will. You should consult a lawyer to understand it better.
Thank you
Hello ****,
As per New York laws:
- You're typically entitled to your father's share ("per stirpes").
- The exact interpretation depends on the will's language.
- Consult a lawyer for better understanding.
Let me know if you need any more information!