Inheritance Without Will


The users mother passed away without a will, leaving behind a house and a car. The user is concerned about the inheritance process and potential claims from other relatives, including a half-sister and an aunt. The user was advised about Arizonas intestate succession laws and the possibility of using a Small Estate Affidavit to avoid probate. The user was also advised to consider reporting the car as stolen if the aunt cannot provide legal proof of ownership.

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My mom died without making a will and she owns a house and in a car and I don't know what to do how to proceed much further I also live in the house and have the same address
Do you have any siblings or other relatives who might have a claim to your mother's estate?
I have a half sister my mom had a sister and I think she is trying to take everything from me
What is your half-sister's relationship with your mother? In Arizona, if a person dies without a will, their property is distributed to their closest relatives.
My mom and her didn't get along they didn't even talk
What is the current status of your mother's estate? Has probate been initiated yet?

In Arizona, intestate succession laws dictate the distribution of assets. If there's no spouse, children inherit everything.
I live in the house I have not got a lawyer yet
What is the value of your mother's estate? In Arizona, if it's under $*,* for personal property or $*,* for real estate, you may use a small estate affidavit to avoid probate.
*,* for house and *,* for her car
What is the total value of your mother's personal property excluding the house and car?

In Arizona, if the total value of personal property is under $*,*, you can use a Small Estate Affidavit to avoid probate.
Based on the information provided, you may be able to use a Small Estate Affidavit in Arizona. This can help you avoid probate.
Ok what do I do
To use a Small Estate Affidavit in Arizona, you need to wait 30 days after your mother's death, then file the affidavit with the probate court. Contact Maricopa County Probate Court at (*) *-*.
What if her sister trying to take everything from me
What actions has your aunt taken so far to claim your mother's estate?
She got the car my moms body been fo tted to science
What proof do you have that your aunt took the car? In Arizona, unauthorized control of a vehicle can be considered theft.
She has. The car right now
Did your aunt provide any legal documents or proof of ownership when she took the car?
If your aunt can't provide legal proof of ownership, you may consider reporting the car as stolen. Contact your local police department in Arizona.
She trying to keep me out of it
What specific actions has your aunt taken to exclude you from the estate matters?
She is trying to get the death certificate
What is your aunt's reason for obtaining the death certificate?
To take everything
What evidence do you have that your aunt is trying to claim everything?