Transferring Child Guardianship Georgia


In Georgia, transferring guardianship involves filing a petition in probate court, notifying interested parties, undergoing a court hearing, and obtaining a judges approval. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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I need to know how I go about signing guardianship of my child over to somebody? DFCS went out to my mom's house looking for me. I reached out over the phone to see what they wanted. Told me they want to meet with me and my kid. I'd like to sign guardianship over to her dad before meeting with them. It's in my child's best interest I do that instead of them trying to throw her into their broken foster care system
Hello ****, I understand your concerns. To provide accurate information, may I know which state you reside in? Guardianship laws can vary.
In Georgia, transferring guardianship involves:
- Filing a petition in probate court
- Notifying interested parties
- Undergoing a court hearing
- A judge's approval
Please consult with a local attorney for personalized advice.