Special Needs Adult Rights


Brianna, a special needs adult in Connecticut, is experiencing discrimination and mental abuse from her foster mom. She feels manipulated and scared. Her attempts to seek help from legal aid organizations, the Department of Children and Families, and private attorneys have been unsuccessful. She has also tried to apply for housing assistance but does not qualify. She is under a conservatorship with her foster mom and feels trapped in her current living situation.

Full Conversation

im special need but not that bad
What kind of legal assistance are you seeking, Brianna?
it is hard for me to explain
I understand, Brianna. Are you facing any discrimination or unfair treatment due to your special needs?
I'm sorry to hear that, Brianna. Could you please tell me where this discrimination is happening? Is it at work, school, or somewhere else?
it is hard to explain
I understand, Brianna. Can you tell me if this discrimination is happening in a public or private setting?
private setting something to do with legal
Who is discriminating against you in this private setting?
can i talk to you on the phone i can explain better
I'm sorry, but as an online service, we can only provide assistance via chat. Can you try to describe the situation in more detail here?
foster mom garden and conserd
What kind of issues are you facing with your foster mom and the garden?
telling what to say and do prentd and scard me into her being garden and muplating me and the system has stuff on me that i did a long time im only a little spical need i can say what i want for my life and i and i have some one self that can take care of me and i want my mom to give up the rights but she wont she keep trying to muplat every body i feel like i cant do or say anything or with my life
What state are you currently residing in, Brianna? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information regarding your rights and potential legal recourse.
What specific rights is your foster mom violating? In Connecticut, individuals with special needs have certain protections under the law.
What actions has your foster mom taken that make you feel manipulated or scared?
other people know what rights and and saw how she treats me and how they know the right
What specific actions has your foster mom taken that you believe infringe on your rights? In Connecticut, you have the right to be free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
What actions have others witnessed that they believe infringe on your rights?

In Connecticut:
- You have the right to be treated with respect and dignity.
- You have the right to live free from abuse and neglect.
mental abuse
What specific instances of mental abuse have you experienced? In Connecticut, mental abuse is considered a form of domestic violence and is illegal.
name calling yelling at me calling me retard
I'm sorry to hear that, Brianna. Verbal abuse is considered a form of mental abuse. Have you reported this to any authority?
no she wount let i get in big trouble and im scard
I'm really sorry to hear that you're feeling this way, but I'm unable to provide the help that you need. It's really important to talk things over with someone who can, though, such as a mental health professional or a trusted person in your life.
she makes me feel like im in prison
I'm sorry to hear that, Brianna. Have you considered contacting the Department of Children and Families in Connecticut? They can help investigate your situation.
im an adult
Are you under a conservatorship with your foster mom? In Connecticut, adults have the right to request termination of a conservatorship if they believe it's no longer necessary.
What steps have you taken to terminate the conservatorship? In Connecticut, you can petition the court to terminate a conservatorship if you believe it's no longer necessary.
non she wont let me and im scard
I'm sorry to hear that, Brianna. Have you considered reaching out to a legal aid organization in Connecticut for assistance? They can help you understand your rights and navigate the legal process.
yes i tried
I'm sorry to hear that, Brianna. Have you tried contacting the Connecticut Legal Services? They might be able to provide you with further assistance. Their contact number is (*) *-*.
i try it causes more trouble for me
I'm sorry to hear that, Brianna. Have you considered reporting the abuse to the police or a trusted adult?
yes but she lies to them and they beliveing her
What evidence do you have to support your claims against your foster mom? In Connecticut, evidence can be crucial in legal proceedings.
Do you have any witnesses or any form of documentation that can support your claims?
she hids the evedent
What kind of evidence is she hiding? It's important to gather all possible evidence to support your case. In Connecticut, hiding or destroying evidence can be considered obstruction of justice.
i dont know
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Have you considered reaching out to a trusted adult or friend who could help you gather evidence or support your claims?
yes she is a very hard person she is a naraciss
What specific narcissistic behaviors does she exhibit that make you feel manipulated or abused?
she only cares about her looks and money
How does her focus on looks and money affect you negatively?
her wait and to make her self feel better about her self she calls me fat
I'm sorry to hear that, Brianna. Verbal abuse is not acceptable. Have you considered reporting this to the Department of Children and Families or the police?
yes it causes you more trouble and im and adult
What kind of trouble does it cause you when you try to report the abuse? In Connecticut, adults have the right to report abuse without retaliation.
she lies treads me more bad and i get punished and tred like im dumble cant do anything like a child and in person
I'm sorry to hear that, Brianna. Have you considered seeking a restraining order against her for your safety?
i cant i live with her
Have you considered seeking alternative living arrangements or shelters for adults with special needs in Connecticut?
yes i cant it is duffical
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Have you tried reaching out to organizations that provide housing assistance for adults with special needs in Connecticut?
yes i dont waffical
Why don't you qualify for housing assistance? In Connecticut, eligibility for housing assistance programs often depends on income, disability status, and other factors.
What steps have you taken to apply for housing assistance in Connecticut?
What kind of housing assistance programs have you tried applying for in Connecticut?
What specific housing assistance programs have you tried applying for in Connecticut?

In Connecticut, there are several programs like Section *, RAP, and supportive housing for individuals with special needs.
all everything i dont like them
I'm sorry to hear that, Brianna. Have you considered seeking help from a social worker or a disability rights advocate to assist you with these applications?
Explanation: In Connecticut, social workers and disability rights advocates can help you navigate the application process for housing assistance. How did the social worker or disability rights advocate assist you?
I'm sorry to hear that, Brianna. Have you considered seeking help from another social worker or disability rights advocate?
i try
I'm sorry to hear about your struggles, Brianna. Have you considered reaching out to the Connecticut Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with Disabilities? Their contact number is *-*-*-*.
yes no help
I'm sorry to hear that, Brianna. Have you tried contacting the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services? They might be able to provide you with further assistance. Their contact number is *-*-*-*.
What was the response of the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services when you contacted them?
idk i dont have addiction
What kind of assistance or services did you seek from the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services?
no they wont help
I'm sorry to hear that, Brianna. Have you considered reaching out to a local non-profit organization that advocates for adults with special needs?
yes no help
no it did not help yes i tried
I'm sorry to hear that, Brianna. Have you considered seeking help from a private attorney who specializes in disability rights or family law?
i did i got in trouble
idid go to them but i got in trouble by mom
What kind of trouble did you face when you sought help from a private attorney?
fight over me they belive her and not me
What specific incidents or evidence led them to believe her over you?
old paper and her know more to trick them
What kind of old papers does she have and how is she using them to trick others?
i do not know
What kind of documents are these and how are they being used against you? In Connecticut, you have the right to access any documents related to your case.