Domestic Violence Allegations Defense


Domestic violence allegations in Oregon are serious. You have the right to a lawyer and should avoid contact if a restraining order is in place. Gather evidence to support your innocence. False allegations are also serious, and Child Protective Services may get involved if your son is a minor. Consult a legal professional for specific advice.

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My son is accusing me of domestic violence and abusing him
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Fallon. Could you please tell me where you're located to provide the most accurate legal information?
Hello Fallon, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In Oregon, domestic violence allegations are taken seriously.
- You have the right to a lawyer.
- You should avoid contact with your son if a restraining order is in place.
- It's important to gather evidence supporting your innocence.
Please consult a lawyer for more specific guidance.
My son was recently took them into custody for assaulting his grandmother and while in custody he's accused me of abuse
I'm sorry to hear this, Fallon. In Oregon:
- False allegations are a serious offense.
- If your son is a minor, Child Protective Services (CPS) may get involved.
- Collect any evidence that may prove your innocence.
Remember, every case is unique. Please contact a legal professional for advice.