Domestic Dispute Legal Advice


The users husband has been issued an arrest warrant for misdemeanor menacing following a domestic dispute. The husband, who has been struggling with mental health issues since a breakdown during the Covid-19 pandemic, has never shown aggressive behavior before. The user is seeking advice on how to handle the situation, expressing concern about the potential mental trauma her husband might face if charged. She is also worried about the financial implications of hiring a lawyer, as her husband has been unemployed for two years and they are struggling financially. The user is considering turning her husband into the precinct and is looking for ways to get him mental health support.

Full Conversation

My husband and I have had some domestic issues the last year. I’ve been with
I'm sorry to hear that, ****. Are there any legal actions taken already or are you looking for advice on what to do next?
my husband for 30 years. He has never in his life been an aggressive or violent person. He a very supportive amd loving husband and father. During Covid he had a a mental break down And ended up in the psyche ward. Ever since then he has been struggling with depression and mental health issues. Anyway we had a domestic dispute. I called for ems but my husband left so I told them he left. A few minutes later police showed up . I spoke to them. I explained he had mental health issues and wanted to get him help. They ended issuing a warrant for his arrest and I need advice
What state are you currently residing in? This will help me provide more accurate information regarding your situation.
new york
What charges are being brought against your husband?
i assumed domestic violence
What specific charges were mentioned in the warrant? In New York, domestic violence can lead to various charges like assault, harassment, menacing, etc.
Cop didn’t give me that info
What information did the police provide when they issued the warrant? In New York, the police are generally required to provide some details about the charges.
Misdemeanor menacing is the charge
What were the circumstances that led to this charge? In New York, misdemeanor menacing typically involves threats or actions that cause a person to fear physical harm.
We were having a disagreement. We weren’t yelling I said something that upset him and he lunged at me with a fork. I was holding a cup of coffee in my hand and I got scared and threw the coffee at him. I grew up in an abusive environment and. Reacted out of fear. This past year there were a few fights were he got physical with me.
What kind of legal help are you seeking for your husband?
I spoke to the officer and the DA’s office and said that he should turn himself in and when he sees the judge I can ask the charges to be dropped. I don’t want him arrested I wanted him to get mental
What kind of mental health support are you seeking for your husband?

In New York, courts may consider mental health in sentencing. It's important to consult with a lawyer.
health assessment. Do I need a lawyer to come with us ? Can they charge him anyway?
What type of mental health assessment are you considering? In New York, having a lawyer during court proceedings is highly recommended. Yes, they can charge him regardless.
He was in psych ward and diagnosed as being bi polar. He’s never had mental health issues and is 48 years old, meds were not helping and later we found out that someone had shared a CVs vape with him that was most likely laced with some type of drug.
What evidence do you have to support the claim that the vape was laced with a drug? In New York, if a substance induced the mental health issue, it could potentially affect the case.
which led to a psychotic episode. I have found out that person has major drug and psych issues.
What proof do you have that the vape was laced, and that it directly contributed to your husband's psychotic episode?
After smoking out of the vape he went into a psychotic episode. That person said it would help him with his sleep issues. He has never been diagnosed or shown any sighs of mental health issue prior. The bi polar meds were making him worse . After a few months with no improvement we saw another psychiatrist who also suggested that his psychosis was drug induced and that is why he wasn’t responding to bipolar meds.
Do you have any medical reports or statements from the psychiatrist that can support your claim about the drug-induced psychosis?
No, but I have the original diagnosis of bipolar diseas
Do you have any documentation or witnesses that can attest to your husband's character and behavior prior to this incident?
Yes. Everyone would defend his character.
Yes. Everyone would defend his character
Who are these individuals that can vouch for your husband's character? Are they willing to provide written statements or testify in court if necessary?
Mutual friends and my family.
Are these mutual friends and family members willing to provide written statements or testify in court if necessary?
Yes. I can get statements
What is the current status of your husband's case? Has he turned himself in yet?
warrant has been issued and I told officer that we will come to precinct tomorrow
What is the name of the precinct you are planning to visit?
77th precinct
What is the date and time you are planning to visit the 77th precinct?

The 77th Precinct is located at * Utica Ave, Brooklyn, NY *, USA. You can contact them at +* *-*-*.
* am
What is the full name of your husband as it appears on the warrant?
Enzo DiTommaso
Do you have a lawyer representing your husband's case?

Explanation: It's crucial to have legal representation in such cases, especially when mental health issues are involved.
No. But I’m scared that if he is charged or will cause more mental trauma and he might hurt himself.
What steps have you taken to ensure his safety and mental well-being during this time? In New York, there are various mental health resources available that could be beneficial.
He hasn’t worked in 2 years and I’m struggling financially. I don’t know how I would be able yo pay for a lawyet
Have you considered seeking help from legal aid services or pro bono lawyers in New York? They often provide free or low-cost legal assistance to those who can't afford it.
Yes , but there offices are closed. So I wasn’t able to talk to someone
Have you tried reaching out to them via email or their online platforms? Legal Aid Society of New York offers online services and can be reached at (*) *-*.