Wrongful Child Custody Case


A mother is fighting to regain custody of her daughter after a judge granted an ex parte motion to the father, who had a criminal background. Despite her efforts, the courts have denied her motions, and her daughter is now with the fathers family. The mother alleges that her daughter is being neglected and abused, and she has been unable to find legal representation. She is advised to contact the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission and organizations like the ACLU of Michigan for further assistance.

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My daughter was wrongfully uprooted out of our home when the judge granted an ex parte motion for custody that was filed by me ex, Dwight, in retaliation to my motion for custody. The judge denied my right to due process, and my objection, and without a hearing granted the ex parte giving Dwight all rights over my daughter, issues me supervised visits, and have Dwight the right to control my very minimal visitation. Dwight has aw extensive criminal background ranging from drug and alcohol offences, time served in prison for committing perjury/insubordination, and a family consisting of mainly felons, and I have no background and a family is military background. Dwights goal was to eliminate me out of my daughter's life which he accomplished. He never the courts order on visitation or time and the courts world not do anything to enforce it. The courts ignored my numerous pleas leaving my daughter in the and unstable home her father. All my motions for modification, reconsideration, visitation time, custody, and help for my daughter were and denied. My sister petitioned for my brother to be granted guardianship of my daughter due to the neglect by Dwight and the judge granted the petition. Not even try weeks late my brother gave my daughter back to her father her back into the dangerous home she was just removed from. I then find another motion for custody and an ex parte for custody which were both denied. Not even a week later Dwight committed suicide at the home. My family and my daughters father's family agreed not to inform me of his death a and my brother filed another for guardianship which was again granted. At the time of Dwight's death I shared */* legal rights, my parental rights have never been removed or terminated, i have never been doing unfit unwilling or unable to mother my daughter, nor has there been any abuse or neglect. I filed a petition to terminate guardianship and a motion for custody which were denied and was then informed that Dwight's sister had also filed a petition due guardianship. Despite my parental rights and my daughters rights we are being kept from eachother with no of communication. Dwight violated the courts order and on December 4th * he cut off all communication between me and my daughter and the courts did nothing leaving me in the dark about my daughter. The guardians which is my brother gave my daughter to Dwights sister, who petitioned for guardianship also and neither are letting me communicate letting me know anything about my own daughter still to this day. This is abuse and violates Michigan law. I am now fighting for my daughter and have been deprived of my right to parent my daughter and my daughter deprived of her right to have her mother. I miss my daughter and she has healthy issues with ulcerative colitis that need addressed and she had also forced herself to suppress her emotions and number herself to reality and further shit her own mother in order to protect herself from the pain that is inflicted on her due to our forced separation. This is also considered child abuse. CPS will do nothing and DHS is deciding guardianship and says they do nothing about custody. I want my daughter back in my care fully as i have rights that were ignored. What do i do? I am about to lose my daughter as if the guardianship is granted, they are going to move away with my daughter and i will lose her for good.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. To help you better, can you please confirm if you have legal representation for this matter? It's crucial to have legal assistance given the complexity of your case.
Nobody will help me. Guardianship attorneys didn't do custody and vice versa. Nobody will believe me either since so many laws and rules were violated and ignored they accuse me of hiding something. I cannot find an attorney who will help and i have no money
I'm really sorry to hear about your situation, ****. In Michigan, you may qualify for legal aid or pro bono services if you're unable to afford an attorney. Here are some resources:
*. Michigan Legal Help: www.michiganlegalhelp.org
*. Legal Services of Eastern Michigan: www.lsem-mi.org
*. Legal Aid and Defender Association: www.ladadetroit.org
They might be able to help you with your case. Have you tried reaching out to any of these organizations?
The won't help me they said they have no one to help and i was also asked what i an hiding and that the have to look into my case. I am about to lost my daughter she has been left to be abused and neglected and had recently lost her father to suicide and nobody will help. On death wasn't enough. The second leading cause of death in children between the ages *-* is suicide from depression.
I'm truly sorry to hear about your situation, ****. If you believe your child is in immediate danger, you can contact the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services' Child Protection Services. If you feel that the courts have not acted in the best interest of your child, you might want to consider filing a complaint with the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission.
CPS has done nothing. My daughter was left in the home with her unstable father and my pleas were ignored and denied. Dwight have hurt her along with himself. The ignored the safety of my daughter and are still. This has been since * and i was never allowed a full evidentiary hearing either. This is wrong, illegal, and abuse to both myself and my daughter. We have lost irreplaceable time and memories.
I'm truly sorry about your situation, ****. If you haven't done so, consider filing a complaint with the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission. Also, reach out to organizations like the ACLU of Michigan or the Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service for further assistance.