Minor Earnings Rights Kansas


Minors in Kansas can control their earnings. Upon turning 18, individuals gain full control over their earnings, voting rights, the ability to sign contracts, and make medical decisions. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

Full Conversation

Im adopted and im * living in kansas. What rights do i have with my momey that i earn from a job
Hello ****, in Kansas:
- Minors can control their earnings
- If you're emancipated, you have the same rights as an adult
However, specific circumstances may vary. Consult with a local attorney for personalized advice.
Im turning * in 4 months what freedoms do i have
Hello ****, when you turn * in Kansas, you gain several freedoms:
- Full control over your earnings
- Right to vote
- Right to sign contracts
- Make your own medical decisions
Remember, with these rights come responsibilities.