Threatening Sibling Legal Actions


If youre facing threats from an estranged sibling, consider filing a restraining order and consulting a local attorney. If your mother is in an Assisted Living Facility against her will, contact Adult Protective Services or an elder law attorney. If local law enforcement and other resources havent helped, try reaching out to community organizations or churches for support. Your safety is paramount; if in immediate danger, call 911.

Full Conversation

Dealing with a monster estranged sibling who has issued me two threatening letters plus via phone calls. Always in a violent rage. My Mother is afraid of him so am I. He is illegally evicting me and won't let me talk to my Mom last time was */*. Now he is taking legal action towards me. I am emotionally distraught etc
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. To better assist you, could you please provide your location? This will help me provide the most accurate information as laws can vary by jurisdiction.
New Port Richey
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. In Florida, you can consider:
- Filing a restraining order against your sibling.
- If he's illegally evicting you, consult a landlord-tenant attorney.
- If you're prevented from seeing your mother, consider an elder law attorney.
Please consult a local attorney for personalized advice.
His lawyer will somehow revoke it or send police here
I understand your concerns, ****. However, it's important to note:
- A restraining order, once granted, can only be revoked by a court.
- Your rights as a tenant are protected by law.
- Involve law enforcement if you feel threatened.
Do consult a local attorney for help.
Ivan very scared
I understand your fear, ****. You have rights too. Police are there to protect everyone. If he's breaking the law, they will help you. Consider reaching out to a local legal aid society. They can provide free or low-cost assistance and guide you on how to navigate this situation.
Not a tenant
Thank you for the clarification, ****. Without a tenant status, the eviction process might not apply. You still have rights, though. Are you living at your mother's place?
He locked her away in AFL nobody will help bme
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. If your mother is in a care facility (Assisted Living Facility) against her will, you might want to:
- Contact Adult Protective Services in Florida
- Consult an elder law attorney
Please reach out to local resources for help.
They won't help me tried
I'm sorry to hear that, ****. It's important to stay persistent. You may also consider reporting the issue to the Florida Department of Elder Affairs or the Ombudsman Program. They may be able to provide additional assistance. isn't helpful
I'm sorry to hear that didn't meet your needs. You could try contacting the Florida Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service or try using the American Bar Association's Free Legal Answers service. They might be able to provide more suitable assistance.
Not calling them they are abusive
I'm sorry to hear that, ****. It sounds like you're dealing with a lot. There are other resources available such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline. They can provide support and guide you on legal options.
Tried no help
I'm sorry to hear about your struggles, ****. It's a difficult situation. I strongly suggest you to contact local law enforcement if you feel threatened. Also, consider reaching out to local non-profit organizations that provide assistance in such situations. They may be able to guide you further.
I did they won't help me called yesterday
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. You may want to consider reaching out to local community organizations or churches. Some provide legal assistance or can connect you with resources. Remember, your safety is important. If you're in immediate danger, call *.