Marriage Legality In Colorado


Your marriage in Colorado may be void due to bigamy if your partner was still legally married when you married them. Consult a local attorney for guidance. Relevant statutes include Colorado Revised Statutes Section 14-2-110 and Section 18-6-201.

Full Conversation

I’m married (I think). My partner told me that they were divorced and we married in *. I just found out they never finalized the divorce. So my question is are we legally married?
Hello ****, your situation is complex and the answer may depend on your location. Could you please tell me where you reside?
Denver, Co
Hello ****, under Colorado law, your marriage may be considered void due to bigamy, as your partner was still legally married when you married him. It's advisable to consult with a local attorney for assistance:
- Colorado Revised Statutes Section *-*-*
- Colorado Revised Statutes Section *-*-*