Child Protection Intervention Criteria


Child protective services in the US can intervene if they believe a childs environment is unsafe, considering factors like the presence of violence and the childs exposure to the incident. Each case is unique, so its advisable to consult a local family law attorney for specific advice. For general legal aid, you can contact Legal Services Corporation at 202-295-1500, American Bar Association at 800-285-2221, or Legal Aid Society at 212-577-3300.

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United States
In the US, child protective services can intervene if they believe the child's environment is unsafe. Factors considered include:
- The presence of violence.
- The child's exposure to the incident.
However, every case is different. It's advisable to consult a local family law attorney for specific advice.
Can I have a phone number to call
Sure, I can provide you with some general legal aid hotlines in the United States:
- Legal Services Corporation: *-*-*
- American Bar Association: *-*-*
- Legal Aid Society: *-*-*
Please note that these are general numbers, and you should look for a local family law attorney for your specific case.