Understanding Emergency Custody Orders


The user is seeking clarification on the meaning of a reset emergency custody order in Oregon. The users ex-boyfriend filed an emergency custody order, which was then reset. The user was informed that emergency custody orders in Oregon are temporary and immediate. The user was also provided with the contact details of the Oregon Judicial Department for further assistance.

Full Conversation

I was awarded custody of my kids a month ago but father filed emergency custody and I can see online he filed, then it says reset of emergency custody order to the day he filed for it what does this mean
What state are you located in? This will help me provide more accurate information. Generally, a reset could mean the court has scheduled a new hearing date.
What is the name of the county where your custody case is being handled? This will help me provide you with the contact details of the court.
it says so he filed a immediate danger */* then says post-judgment wi/ declaration on */* then it has the date for */* imm danger -reset from */*
What is the name of the county where your custody case is being handled? This will help me provide you with the contact details of the court.
I still don’t understand what it’s saying
Could you please clarify which part of the emergency custody order you're having trouble understanding?
I can only see the orders filed online which says he filed with declaration in */* then has a date of */* saying reset from *
What state are these orders filed in? This will help me provide accurate information about the legal process in your location.
What is your relationship with the person who filed the order? This will help me provide more accurate information.
ex boyfriend
What is the nature of the order filed by your ex-boyfriend?

For Oregon:
- Emergency custody orders are temporary and immediate.
- The court's contact: Oregon Judicial Department, *-*-*.