Appealing Child Custody Orders


In Illinois, you can file an appeal, request a new trial, or file a motion to modify custody to challenge a judges order to return a child to a state. For cases involving domestic violence, file a Petition to Modify Jurisdiction and seek a Protective Order or Petition for Emergency Jurisdiction if the childs safety is at risk. Consult a legal professional for personalized advice.

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What can I file against judge order to return a child to a state
Hi ****, could I know in which state the order was issued? This will help me provide the most accurate information for your situation.
Hi ****, in Illinois you can:
- File an appeal: This is a formal request to a higher court to review the judge's decision.
- Request for a new trial: If there's new evidence or errors in the initial trial.
- File a motion to modify custody: If there's a significant change in circumstances affecting the child's best interest.
Please consult with a legal professional for personalized advice.
What can I file to change jurisdiction when domestic violence is involved
In Illinois, file a "Petition to Modify Jurisdiction" in the original court. If domestic violence is involved:
- Seek a "Protective Order"
- File a "Petition for Emergency Jurisdiction" if the child's immediate safety is at risk
Please, consult a legal professional.