Filing Divorce In Kentucky


Filing for divorce in Kentucky involves submitting a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage and a Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis for a fee waiver if you cant afford court fees. Kentucky Legal Aid and domestic violence shelters can provide additional support and resources.

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I need to file for divorce but I can't afford to from my abusive husband I can't afford to go anywhere else or anything not sure what to do or where to start
Hello ****, I'm really sorry to hear about your situation. Could you please tell me which state you are living in? This information is necessary to provide the most accurate advice.
Hello ****, I'm sorry you're going through this. In Kentucky, you may qualify for a fee waiver if you cannot afford the court fees. Here's some steps:
*. File a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage.
*. Submit a Motion to Proceed In Forma Pauperis for fee waiver.
*. Attend the hearing scheduled by the court.
Hello ****, that's correct. Here are some resources in Kentucky that could further assist you:
- Kentucky Legal Aid: They can provide free legal counsel and assistance.
- Domestic Violence Shelters: They offer safe places and resources for victims of abuse.
Take care of yourself.
Thank you so much
Hello ****, you're welcome. I'm glad I could provide some guidance. Remember, you're not alone, and there are services available to help you. If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask. Stay strong and take care.
Good day God bless
Hello ****, I wish you strength and courage through this difficult time. If you have more questions or if there's anything else you need assistance with, please don't hesitate to ask. God bless you.