Remove Ex Wifes Name


To remove your ex-wifes name from your house title in New Jersey, you may need a quitclaim deed signed by her, notarized, and recorded in the county where the property is located. If the house was not addressed in your divorce decree, you might need to file a motion to amend the decree. Consult a local attorney for specific guidance.

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My ex wife name is still on my house title , I want to remove her name but it's been seven years.
Hello Austin, to help you better could you please tell me where you are located? Different areas may have different laws and procedures for this kind of situation.
New Jersey
Hello Austin, in New Jersey, to remove your ex-wife's name from your home's title:
*. You may need a quitclaim deed signed by her.
*. The deed must be notarized.
*. It should then be recorded in the county where the property is located.
This is general advice; please consult a local attorney.
My ex wife gave up on the house because she did not want to pay mortgage but it was not recorded in divorce settlement that the house was awarded toe
Hello Austin, if this wasn't specified in your divorce settlement, it may be more complex. It might be necessary to:
*. Obtain a court order.
*. Modify your divorce decree.
*. Or have her sign a quitclaim deed.
Please consult a local attorney to guide you through this process.
To me
Austin, in this case, you might need to file a motion with the court to amend your divorce decree to include the property settlement. Did you consult with a lawyer about this?
How to file a motion with the court to amend my divorce decree to include the property settlement?
To file a motion to amend your divorce decree in New Jersey, you should:
*. Consult an attorney for advice.
*. Prepare a motion form, including your reasons for the amendment.
*. Have it served to your ex-spouse.
*. File it with the court where your divorce was granted.
*. Attend the scheduled hearing.
For more specific guidance, please contact an attorney.
My ex wife is asking half the money for selling the house while she didn't pay any mortgage.
Hello Austin, the division of property in a divorce varies by state. In New Jersey, this is generally based on:
*. The length of the marriage.
*. Each spouse's financial condition.
*. Contribution to the home (not limited to financial).
If the house was not addressed in your divorce decree, she may have a claim. Please consult a local attorney for advice.
The house was not addressed in divorce decree, but my ex wife gave up the house because she didn't want to pay mortgage.
Hello Austin, since the house was not addressed in the divorce decree, your ex-wife may still have a claim to it, even if she didn't contribute to the mortgage. It's crucial to:
*. Consult a local attorney.
*. Possibly amend your divorce decree.
*. Negotiate with your ex-wife regarding her claim.
When I was divorced with my ex wife, she gave up the house because she didn't want to pay for the mortgage
Hello Austin, I understand your situation. It seems that the original divorce decree didn't address the house. It might be necessary to:
*. Consult with a local attorney.
*. Amend the divorce decree.
*. Possibly negotiate with your ex-wife about her claim.
These steps could help resolve your issue.
When I was divorced with my ex wife, she gave up the house because she didn't want to pay for the mortgage. The house was not included in the divorce decree and I am the one who paid for mortgage and everything for 7 years, now I am selling the house and she wants half the money.
Hello Austin, this is a complex situation. In New Jersey, your ex-wife might have a claim, despite not contributing to the mortgage. Potential solutions include:
*. Negotiating with your ex-wife.
*. Modifying your divorce decree.
*. Consulting a local attorney.
Please seek professional legal advice for your situation.