Child Custody Rights Ohio


Parents in Ohio have the right to know why their children were removed and must have a court hearing within 72 hours. They are also entitled to legal representation. Contact a local attorney for detailed guidance.

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Torri Taylor
Hello Torri Taylor, nice to meet you. How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
I’ve got a cps case my son was removed from my custody and put in a foster home prior to anyone getting in contact with me and he’s been there a week now and I have no visitation and no response from my worker
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Torri. To provide the most accurate information, could you please tell me which state you are in? Your rights and the process may vary depending on the jurisdiction.
Hamilton county Ohio
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, Torri. Here's some general information on the laws in Ohio:
- Parents have the right to know why their children were removed.
- Parents have the right to a court hearing within * hours of removal.
- Parents have the right to be represented by an attorney.
Please contact a local attorney for detailed guidance.