Modify Child Support Payments


It is possible to modify child support payments due to changes in financial circumstances. File a motion to modify child support in the court that issued the original order and provide evidence of the change in income. Consult with a family law attorney in Illinois for specific guidance.

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Hello Jane, nice to meet you. How can I assist you with your legal issue today?
My husband works in Indina and we live in illinois. He was hurt at work and will have to have surgery. He will be off for at least 3 months at *% of pay. Is there a way to modify child support just while he is off.
Hello Jane,
Yes, it's possible to modify child support due to changes in financial circumstances. Here are some general steps:
*. File a motion to modify child support in the court that issued the original order.
*. Provide evidence of the change in income.
Please consult with a family law attorney in Illinois for specific guidance.