Cps Case Legal Guidance


In Texas, the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) can remove children if theres immediate danger. The caseworkers decision may be based on their observations and professional judgment, and the judges decision is based on evidence and information provided in court. If unsatisfied with your court-appointed attorney, you have the right to request a different one. Communication with your attorney is crucial, and you should prepare and plan with them before court proceedings.

Full Conversation

Hello Patricia, it's nice to meet you. How can I assist you with your legal needs today?
I have a few questions about my Case with CPS. I am now going to court against them due to my case worker!! Back in Dec of * I was on a family plan and the rules were I wasn't suppose to left alone with my kids or take them out of the home we're I was stay which was my parents home. Well I took it upon myself one day to take my kids with me with out anyone knowning. Well as we were out my case worker happen to pop up at my parents home and found that me or my kids where there. So she took it upon her self to file a removal on me n took my kids. She stated in the reasons why and I quote I fear for the safty of the kids not having a safe home as well patricia has being using daily and she puts her kids in danger when she took the kids.
Hello Patricia, I understand this is a difficult situation. It would help me provide more accurate information if I knew your location. Also, have you been assigned any legal representation for your upcoming court case?
My question is if she new I was USEING daily why wait * to 6 months to take my kids. Then if u thought the home we're we have been staying wasn't safe why wait 5months to say anything when she comes 2months to visit and never said anything. What proof do you have that shows what your saying is true. Well lil did I know she got a judge to sign the paper and I had to give my kids up but thank God I had a family member who already did a back round check was a proofed. So my kids are with them. But how can the judge now see what she wrote and what she said knowing all of this why is it that * to 6 months went by and she allowed this to go on.
Hello Patricia. It seems you're dealing with a challenging situation. The legal process can be confusing. Cases like these often depend on the evidence provided, the testimony of the caseworker, and the judgement of the court. Can you please tell me, in which state are you located? This information will help us provide more accurate legal information.
Hello Patricia. In Texas, the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) can remove children if there's immediate danger. Some points to consider:
- The caseworker's decision may be based on their observations and professional judgement.
- The judge's decision is based on evidence and information provided in court.
- Get legal representation if you haven't already.
That's just it went I met my lawyer she didn't wanna listen to what I had to say but I told her anyways. But she made it clear to me that it doesn't matter what I have to say or what proof I had because the CPS basically has the upper hand in most cases and the judge will do more for them n believe there statements. So when she told me that I stood up and I cried because these or my babies that I'm fighting for and he gonna tell me I have to all these lies and let them get away with this. If the judge believes them then he needs to believe me to then it's not right to besided. Well she made it clear and that is exactly what happen we had court and my lawyer didn't say anything I told her to say n she just agreed to what they had said and what they want me to do. We have had * court sessions and since the first one I have not had a full sit down with my lawyer about the things that have occured or what I want to see happen. The last to court sessions she stood there and not know what to say when it came to sum questions that me and her should of went over instead she look at me and I either said yes or no and that was it. I feel like she is not doing her job at all and now 2 months went by and my next court day is this month and I have not once hear from her or talk to her about things I have been dealing with my new case worker.
I'm really sorry to hear about your situation, Patricia. It's important to have a lawyer who listens to you. In Texas, you have the right to:
- Request a different court-appointed attorney if unsatisfied
- Have your attorney present at all court proceedings
- Prepare and plan with your attorney before court
Remember, communication with your attorney is crucial.