Teen Phone Ownership Rights


Parents generally have control over children until they turn 18 in the US. If a minor pays for their phone, it can be considered their property, but parents may argue its for safety. Consulting a local attorney is advisable.

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So my parent have strict control of my phone. If I get on a separate phone plan and am paying for it with the money I earn from my job are they legally aloud to take it away from me?
Hello Eve, to provide you with accurate information, I need to know your age and the country you're living in. Can you share that information?
* and the US
In the US, parents generally have control over children till they turn *. But the phone situation can be complex:
- If you're paying for your phone, it can be considered your property.
- Yet, parents can argue it's for your safety.
It might be best to consult a local attorney.