Emergency Guardianship Legal Steps


Emergency guardianship in Ohio can be granted without notice if immediate harm is believed. You can file to terminate or modify it. Consult a local attorney for personalized advice.

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Bobbi longshore
Hello Bobbi, nice to meet you. I'm here to help with your legal queries. Could you please tell me what specific legal issue you're facing in Michigan?
Sorry I thought this was Ohio
Hello Bobbi, no problem at all! We can provide legal information for Ohio as well. Can you please specify the legal issue you are facing in Ohio?
My son was hit by a car and is considered incapacitated his father behind my back got emergency guardianship I'm about to go into the courthouse and ask to speak with the judge I don't understand how he did this and he's refusing to allow me to see it son who is *
I understand your concern, Bobbi. In Ohio:
- Emergency guardianship can be granted without notice to others if it's believed the ward could be harmed during the time it takes to give notice.
- You can file a request to terminate or modify the guardianship.
- Consult a local attorney for more personalized advice.
Please note this is general advice, not legal counsel.
You're welcome, Bobbi! If you need more information or have any other legal queries, feel free to ask. I'm here to help you. Good luck with everything!