Paternity Test Dispute Kentucky


The user is a mother of three children with her ex-partner. She has a new baby with her current boyfriend, who is listed as the father on the birth certificate. Her ex-partner is insisting on a paternity test for the new baby, despite having no relationship with the child. The user and her current boyfriend do not want the ex-partner to have any involvement with the new baby. The ex-partner has minimal involvement and financial contribution towards the upbringing of the other three children. The user believes the ex-partners insistence on a paternity test is to cause trouble.

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I have * children with a man. I got into a new relationship and had a new baby, the new boyfriend is on the birth certificate but the ex is wanting a paternity test done... I don't
What state are you currently residing in? This will help me provide you with the most accurate information regarding paternity laws in your location.
What is the reason you don't want the paternity test to be done?

In Kentucky, a man can file a petition for a paternity test. If the court orders it, you may have to comply.
I left for many reason, infidelity, emotional abuse and I do not want to subject new baby to that
What is your ex's reason for wanting a paternity test? In Kentucky, courts usually order paternity tests to establish child support or custody rights.
no reason, just to say he's the dad
What is your ex's relationship with the new baby?

In Kentucky, if a man believes he is the biological father, he can petition the court for a paternity test.
there is no relationship
What is your current relationship status with the new boyfriend? Is he willing to take responsibility for the baby?

In Kentucky:
- A man listed on the birth certificate is presumed to be the father.
- Paternity can be challenged in court.
we're still together, I say not
What is your new boyfriend's stance on this matter?
he does not want them having anything to do with the new baby, he knows what I went through
What is your ex's current relationship with your other * children?
he keeps them on weekends
What is your ex's financial contribution towards the upbringing of your other * children?
What is your ex's reason for wanting to establish paternity for the new baby?
to cause trouble
What is your ex's history of fulfilling his parental responsibilities towards your other * children?
What is your ex's current legal status with your other * children?
What is your ex's current custody arrangement with your other * children?

In Kentucky, if a man believes he is the biological father, he can petition the court for a paternity test.
What is your ex's behavior towards your other * children during his weekend custody?
What specific behaviors has your ex displayed towards your other * children during his weekend custody?