Establishing Minor Guardianship California


In California, stepmothers can file for guardianship of a minor by petitioning the Superior Court. Evidence must be provided that guardianship is in the childs best interest, especially if the biological parents are unable to care for the child.

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Are you seeking to establish guardianship over a minor or an adult?
What state are you in? Guardianship laws can vary by location.
What is your relationship to the minor for whom you're seeking guardianship?

In California:
- You must file a petition in the Superior Court.
- Court's contact: (*) *-*, * McAllister St, San Francisco, CA *.
I am his step mom
In California, as a stepmom, you can file for guardianship. However, you'll need to provide evidence that it's in the child's best interest. Are the biological parents unable to care for the child?