Finding Divorce Lawyer Rochester


Monroe County Legal Assistance Center and Volunteer Legal Services Project of Monroe County offer free or pro bono legal services for low-income residents. For divorce cases involving dependent adults, New York law has specific provisions. Consult N.Y. Domestic Relations Law §236 for divorce and spousal support, and N.Y. Social Services Law §366 for dependent adult support. Seek legal advice for detailed guidance.

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Trying to find a low income or probono contested divorce lawyer lawyer in Rochester NewYork
Hello Bartholomew,
Here are some resources you may find helpful:
- Monroe County Legal Assistance Center: Offers free legal services to low-income residents.
- Volunteer Legal Services Project of Monroe County: Provides pro bono legal assistance for eligible individuals.
Please contact them directly for further assistance.
Thank you.
Hello Bartholomew,
To better assist you, could you please provide more details about your case? For example, are there any children involved or is there a dispute over property?
* adult children. * has Autism.
Hello Bartholomew,
Considering your situation, if your adult child with Autism is dependent, you may need to consider their support in the divorce settlement. New York Law might have specific provisions for such cases.
No property
Hello Bartholomew,
Even without property, your divorce case can involve matters like spousal support or the needs of your adult child with Autism. It's advisable to seek legal advice to help navigate these issues.
Hello Bartholomew,
- N.Y. Domestic Relations Law §* outlines provisions for divorce, spousal support.
- N.Y. Social Services Law §* outlines support for dependent adults.
Please consult a lawyer for detailed advice.
Thank you
You're welcome, Bartholomew! If you have more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Best of luck with your situation.
Thank you so much
Hello Bartholomew, glad to hear our guidance was useful. Remember, we're here to help. If you have any more legal questions in the future, feel free to reach out. Best wishes with your situation.