Legal Options For Minors


If a minor is in immediate danger, contact ChildLine or local police. In Pennsylvania, aiding a minor leaving home without parental permission can lead to legal consequences. Consult a legal professional for advice.

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I have a friend who is 16 years old. His parents abuse him mentally and emotionally. They also dont let him leave the house besides going to work. Im 18 years old. If I let him stay with my parents and I, can my parents and I get intro trouble with the police?
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your friend's situation. The law around this issue can vary greatly depending on your location. Could you please let me know where you are located so I can provide more accurate information?
In Pennsylvania:
- If you believe a child is in immediate danger, contact ChildLine at *-*-*-* or your local police.
- If a minor leaves home without parental permission, it's considered a "status offense". You could potentially face aiding charges.
- Talk to a legal professional for further advice.