Power Of Attorney Limits


Power of Attorney (POA) allows managing finances, signing legal documents, and making healthcare decisions but cannot change a will, make decisions post-death, or misuse assets. Types of POA include General, Limited, Durable, Healthcare, and Springing. Adults can revoke POA if capable. Misuse can be reported to Adult Protective Services.

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Looking for answers about what Power Of Attorneys can and can't do
Hello ****, Power of Attorney (POA) can do many things, including managing finances, signing legal documents, and making healthcare decisions. However, they cannot:
- Change a person's will.
- Make decisions after the person's death.
- Violate their fiduciary duty.
- Use the person’s assets for their own benefit without consent.
Could you please specify the type of POA you're interested in?
Im not sure what types of POA's there are
In North Carolina, there are several types of Power of Attorney (POA):
- General POA: Gives broad powers over financial and business transactions.
- Limited or Special POA: Grants power for specific tasks.
- Durable POA: Remains in effect even if the person becomes incapacitated.
- Healthcare POA: Allows decisions on healthcare matters.
- Springing POA: Becomes effective upon a specific event or condition.
Im not sure what type of POA this person is. I also have more concerns and questions
Sure, ****. I'd be happy to help you with your concerns. Could you please provide more specifics about the POA in question and your additional questions? This will enable me to provide the most accurate legal information.
Ok, my brother has a POA which is our mom. But recently in the past * weeks he has moved out of the house, staying down the road, saying he does not want to come home because our mom keeps taking his money and he is tired of it. She also has threaten to call the cops on him constaly telling him she can put him in a group home and tell the police he is a run away or a danger to himself when he isnt and she just gets mad and tells him that. Also what can the police do, can they make him come back home , because she ordered it and she is his Power of Attorney? Also she was saying she was going to get a new houses lights put in his name and I beleive that is another reason she wants him back at home. Can she do that? He is *.
Based on the information given:
- As your brother is * and not incapacitated, a POA may not be relevant. He's an adult and can make his own decisions.
- Misuse of POA, like using the person's assets without consent, is illegal.
- The police can't force him back home.
- Your mom can't use his information without his consent. Legal action can be taken if she does.
Thanks. He is a little Autistic and ADHD, but is overall normal and thats why she had gotten POA over him. But he still works a job, and everything and he is only borderline autistic meaning, he inst fully autistic just shows some signs and characteristics.
As per North Carolina law:
- A POA can't force an adult to live somewhere against their will.
- If your brother is capable of understanding and making decisions, he can revoke the POA.
- Misuse of POA like financial exploitation can be reported to Adult Protective Services.
- If your brother feels threatened, he can also contact local law enforcement.
Thank you, Thank you. i just want to be informed and to know that he doesn't have to be forced to come back to the home and that he does have some say so and that the POA doesn't have full control over him
You're welcome, ****. Yes, your brother has the right to make his own decisions. He can revoke the POA if he feels it's being misused. It's important he knows his rights, and you're doing a great job in helping him.
Thank you SO MUCH!
You're welcome, ****! If you have any more questions or need further clarification, don't hesitate to ask. Remember, knowledge is power. Best of luck to you and your brother!