Contested Divorce Process Florida


In Florida, a contested divorce involves filing a petition, serving it to your spouse, and your spouse contesting by filing an answer. Both parties then exchange information in a process called discovery. Disputes are resolved through negotiation, mediation, or trial, and the court makes the final decision.

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Is this for Florida?
Yes, we can provide general legal information based on Florida state laws. Can you please share more about your legal inquiry?
****! In Florida, there are a few general requirements for filing a divorce:
- You or your spouse must have lived in Florida for at least 6 months before filing.
- You must agree that the marriage is irretrievably broken.
- Property and debt division must be agreed upon.
Can I help with any specific questions you have about the divorce process?
Contested divorce florida
In Florida, a contested divorce process includes:
- Filing a divorce petition.
- Serving the petition to your spouse.
- Your spouse contests the divorce by filing an answer.
- Both parties exchange information in 'discovery'.
- Negotiation, mediation or trial to resolve disputes.
- The court makes a final decision.
Is there a specific aspect you need guidance on?