Low Income Legal Aid


Low-income individuals in Springfield, MO, can seek legal aid for child custody cases from Legal Services of Southern Missouri and Missouri Legal Aid. If harassment is involved, consider filing a restraining order. Always consult with a legal professional before making any decisions.

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Is there anyway somebody with low income can receive legal help for child custody case. That needs to be modified.
Hello ****, you may qualify for legal aid services. Could you please let me know your location so I can provide more specific information?
It is for my daughter in Springfield MO
Hello ****, in Springfield, MO, there are legal aid services for low-income individuals:
- Legal Services of Southern Missouri
- Missouri Legal Aid
Both provide assistance in child custody cases. Check their eligibility criteria online.
Ok is there anybody that can just answer legal questions without costing. If the dad doesn’t cause trouble the custody can stay the same. It’s the dad who keeps harassing telling the mother that she has to meet his demands or else.
Hello ****, for your situation in Springfield, MO:
- Legal advice can be obtained from Legal Services of Southern Missouri or Missouri Legal Aid.
- If harassment is involved, consider filing a restraining order.
- Always consult with a legal professional before making any decisions.
Please note this is general advice and may not apply directly to your situation.