Regaining Custody From Program


The user, a mother from Tennessee, signed a temporary custody agreement under duress, giving custody of her children to a program called Hopes Bridge of East Tennessee. She has not seen or spoken to a judge regarding this matter. She is seeking advice on regaining custody of her children and potentially taking legal action against the program for alleged blackmail. She has been advised to consult with a local attorney in Tennessee for specific legal advice based on the laws in her state.

Full Conversation

Hope's bridge of east Tennessee
What was the agreement you had with Hope's Bridge of East Tennessee regarding the temporary custody of your children?
They had promission to care for them to take them to the doctor and all that involves their ages under *
What were the terms of the agreement regarding the duration of the temporary custody?
They had the right to take them to the doctor and sign them up for school...and I was told that if I didn't sign by family they would call DCs on me
What was the duration of the temporary custody agreement you signed with Hope's Bridge of East Tennessee?
What is duration mean ? If it's time frame it wasn't true set because I never spoke to or been in court over the 4 months they've been gone is there any direct yes or no answer
Did you sign any document that specifies a time limit for the temporary custody?
Did you receive any legal advice before signing the temporary custody agreement?
No I was blackmailed into it threatened to sign it or they would of made sure I got my kids took from me so I didn't have a choice
Did you report the blackmail to the police? In Michigan, blackmail is a felony punishable by imprisonment for up to 20 years or a fine of up to $*,*.
No because I'm in Tennessee
What is the current status of your communication with Hope's Bridge of East Tennessee?
I can text them to talk to the kids and ask for pictures of them I had told them I wanted to see my kids in person not once a week for * minutes when * mins was the time on the call but I don't know the location of where they are and they told me I still have full custody of them but like I said they barely talk to me I miss a few calls due to a lack transportation and was walking to town to talk to them I've never Miss another one and they cancelled a visit and claimed that they just woke up they r tired
Have you consulted with a lawyer about this situation? In Michigan, parental rights are protected by law and any changes to custody agreements should be court-approved.
No is this a case I could win in TN no problem
What steps have you taken so far to regain custody of your children?

In Michigan, you can file a motion to modify a custody order if circumstances have changed significantly.
I have got a phone I've got a car I've been working on the side and I don't have to prove I'm not stable I'm about to apply for an apartment or housing like in the next few minutes when I get this situation figured out
What is the name of the city where you plan to apply for an apartment or housing? This will help me provide you with the contact details of the nearest court.
Bell county KY In bell county
What is the current status of your housing and employment situation?

In Michigan, stable housing and employment are key factors in custody decisions.
I've got a place and I work online
What is the nature of your online work? In Michigan, a stable income source is crucial in custody cases.
Chat assistant
What is the nature of your work as a chat assistant? Do you have a stable income from this job?
I answer peoples question and try to help
What is your monthly income from your job as a chat assistant? This information is important as courts in Michigan consider the financial stability of the parent in custody cases.
* something hr
What is the total number of hours you work per week? In Michigan, the court considers the parent's ability to provide financially for the child in custody cases.
More than enough
What is your plan for childcare while you are working?
I work from home hrs r flexible
What is your plan for ensuring your children's education and healthcare needs are met?
My kids have been lat * time to The Dr I have a car and my kids * and 6 months old they don't need education right now but I'm on top of everything
What is your plan for their education once they reach the appropriate age? In Michigan, compulsory education starts at age *.
I'll either put them in school or home school they will not miss unless Drs,sick,or emergency comes up
What is your plan for their healthcare needs? In Michigan, it's important to have a healthcare plan for your children as part of a custody case.
I take them to all the appointments
What type of healthcare coverage do your children have? In Michigan, having a healthcare plan for your children is crucial in custody cases.
Medicare Tenn care
What is the duration of their Medicare Tenn care coverage? In Michigan, having a long-term healthcare plan for your children is crucial in custody cases.
Till the turn * or keep going to school after graduation *
What steps have you taken to regain custody of your children in Tennessee?

In Michigan, you can file a motion to modify a custody order if circumstances have changed significantly.
Explain a little better
Have you contacted a lawyer or any legal aid services in Tennessee to discuss your situation and explore your options for regaining custody of your children?
I was unable to get in contact with the lawyer but a case worker from DCs said that I should of done talked to a judge by now
Have you received any official documents or notifications from the court regarding your case?
No just an email of the documents where I signed the paperwork
Just a email version of the documents where I signed them Over against my own will
A Electric copy of the temperary custody document sent to my x husband their sperm donor
What is the current legal status of your ex-husband in relation to the children?
I have made it known as of right now he's not to be in contact with them of any kind because of abuse to me * kinds and mentally unstable and unsafe and on drugs
What steps have you taken to legally enforce the no-contact rule with your ex-husband? In Michigan, you can apply for a Personal Protection Order (PPO) to prevent contact from an abusive individual.
I told him first I've been working on the restraining no contact order
What is the status of the restraining order you've been working on? In Michigan, a Personal Protection Order (PPO) can be obtained from the county clerk's office.
In order and taking time to go through the system rn
In Michigan, you can apply for a Personal Protection Order at your local county clerk's office. For Bell County, KY, you can contact the Bell County Clerk's Office at (*) *-*.
Ik how to get one
I have got one before I know where to go to get it
I have done it before with an ex boyfriend of mine * yrs ago
What is the status of the restraining order against your ex-boyfriend?
No contact
He's not in this at all can we get this simple question answered can I get them back because I've not seen the judge or talked to one and if so can I get them for kidnapping and sew them for the hurt I've been put through the whole time they've been gone simple * questions yes or no is all I need not anything else
Can you clarify who you are referring to when you say "them"? Are you referring to the program, Hope's Bridge of East Tennessee?
Yes hope's bridge
What specific actions has Hope's Bridge of East Tennessee taken that makes you believe they have kidnapped your children?
They have it signed and noterized but no judge to set the plan in place with the temperary custody document explain is there or is there not a way around that contract this is getting to me to think in talking to AI robot
What specific terms were outlined in the temporary custody document you signed with Hope's Bridge of East Tennessee? In Michigan, a notarized agreement may be enforceable, but it's best to consult with a legal professional.
All it was for the * time it seems like is they have the right to take the kids to the doctor
Did the agreement specify any conditions under which the custody would revert back to you? In Michigan, the terms of a custody agreement generally dictate the conditions for modification or termination.
Yes if I had my life on track and I do I'm not getting any thing they told me I would be allowed to to have visits
What specific conditions were outlined in the agreement for you to regain custody of your children?

In Michigan, custody agreements typically include conditions for modification. It's crucial to understand these conditions to navigate your situation.
They are not keeping their word
What specific terms or conditions are they not adhering to as per the agreement?
Not that I know of
What actions have you taken to address the breach of agreement with Hope's Bridge of East Tennessee?
Yes they try and change the subject
What specific actions have you taken to address the breach of agreement with Hope's Bridge of East Tennessee?

In Michigan, if a party violates a custody agreement, you can file a motion for contempt in court.
No because * and a half hours away right now had with no gas money right now I don't get paid until next week
Have you considered reaching out to legal aid services in Tennessee for assistance with your case? They may be able to provide free or low-cost legal advice.
Yes I said this * minutes ago
What was the response from the legal aid services in Tennessee when you reached out to them? In Michigan, legal aid services can provide free or low-cost legal advice and assistance.
Right now no one was in office is there a point to waiting my time with * hours of questions that have barley anything to do with it
What was the last communication you had with Hope's Bridge of East Tennessee regarding your children's custody?

In Michigan, if a party violates a custody agreement, you can file a motion for contempt in court.
Today talking to them but nothing for a good while about custody of my babies
What was the content of your conversation with Hope's Bridge of East Tennessee today?

In Michigan, if a party violates a custody agreement, you can file a motion for contempt in court.
They ask how I was doing but after that I told them cps was trying to figure out what was going on because this because she said it sounded strange to her and she has been employed with cps 11 years
What was CPS's response when you informed them about your situation? In Michigan, CPS is responsible for investigating reports of child abuse and neglect.
She said it sounded strange and she never heard anything like it before and asked if I seen a judge the same question I've been running around in circles for * hours I'm getting upset
I understand your frustration. Have you tried contacting a local family law attorney in Tennessee to discuss your case?
Again yes For the 100th time
What was the response or advice given by the family law attorney in Tennessee?

In Michigan, legal advice from a local attorney is crucial as they understand the state-specific laws and procedures.
No one was in office last time if I can't get the answer I'm going to get off here
I understand your frustration. It's crucial to consult with a local attorney in Tennessee. They can guide you based on your specific situation and local laws.