Order Protection Violation Steps


If an Order for Protection (OFP) is violated in Minnesota, you should call 911 if you feel unsafe, document the violation, report it to your local police department, and contact your attorney or legal aid service. Your safety is the top priority.

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I have a question about ofp violation
Hello Elsie, an Order For Protection (OFP) violation can be quite serious. Could you please let me know your location and provide a bit more detail about the situation? This will help me provide more specific information.
t's been 53 days since the boys and I have last seen each other. This isn't ok. When can I see my children? I am concerned about them and I have been since you started this. __\is crying and hiding under chairs at doctor's offices. I don't know if you're still using drugs and nursing ___ •Are you still? I don't know how they are being treated or how they're doing. Is ___ still chain smoking in the house and drinking heavily? I need to see my boys.
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this, Elsie. Could you please confirm your location so I can provide the most accurate information? If your husband is violating the Order for Protection, there are legal actions you can take.
My husband can only text me about the health of the kids and initiating pick up and drop of. He is an abusive alcoholic. He texted me this this morning.
Hello Elsie, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. In many jurisdictions, if your husband is violating the terms of an order for protection (OFP), you may report him to the police. However, the specifics depend on your location. Can you provide that?
Hello Elsie, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It seems that your husband might be violating the terms of the Order for Protection (OFP). Depending on your location, you may have options to report this. Could you please tell me where you are currently residing?
I am in Minnesota
Hello Elsie, here are the steps you can take in Minnesota if an OFP is violated:
*. Call * if you feel unsafe.
*. Document the violation.
*. Report the violation to your local police department.
*. Contact your attorney or legal aid service.
Remember, your safety is most important.