Cafcass Guardian Involvement Rules


In the UK, CAFCASS guardians can legally collaborate with independent social workers for parenting assessments. They must remain impartial, and any new assessments require court permission. Consult a legal professional for case-specific advice.

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Is it against the law for a cafcass gaud8an to be involved with a inderpentant social workers parenting assesment of me ?
To give you the most accurate advice, I need to know which country you are located in. The laws regarding social work and parenting assessments can vary greatly from one jurisdiction to another.
In the UK, it's not against the law for a CAFCASS guardian to be involved in an independent social worker's parenting assessment. They can work together to ensure the child's best interests. However:
- The CAFCASS officer must remain impartial.
- The court's permission is needed for new assessments.
Please consult with a legal professional for advice specific to your case.