Property Division Legal Guidance


In Kansas, property division follows equitable distribution principles. Given the abuse and your age, consulting a local attorney in Wichita is crucial to understand your rights and options.

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Need help with getting my half of my property that my partner and i purchased together. He's become verbally and physically abusive to me so I had to leave for my safety.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Can you please tell me which state or location the property is located in?
Wichita Kansas
Have you and your partner discussed the division of the property?
Yes. He wants to keep the house,but that is the only asset i have and i am * yrs. old.
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. In Kansas, property division is based on equitable distribution. It's best to consult with a local attorney to understand your rights and options. Would you like me to provide you with contact information for a local attorney in Wichita, Kansas?