Custody Rights In Pennsylvania


Biological parents generally have stronger custody rights in Pennsylvania. Courts prioritize the childs best interests. Non-biological parents need adoption for legal rights. Consult a family lawyer in Allentown for personalized advice.

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I had a baby 2 years ago and my girlfriend had me sign the birth certificate application not knowing she was going to fill in the name and putting her last name and she deceive me to marry her 12 days later as a on to find out she pre meditated this and she has my child * /* custody I been fighting to get my child back but I am thinking there was a glitch here somewhere where something has been violated. We never planned a child together
Hello ****, I understand your situation. Could you please tell me where you're located so I can provide you with the most accurate information about custody laws in your area?
Allentown pa
Hello ****,
In Pennsylvania, the following points apply:
- Both parents have equal rights to the child.
- Courts consider the child's best interests.
- Paternity can be established even after signing the birth certificate.
Consider consulting a family law attorney in Allentown for personalized advice.
Yes but it’s also a law in Pa that the child has to be adopted and that never happened
Hello ****, you're right:
- In PA, if a non-biological parent wants legal rights to a child, adoption must occur.
- Without adoption, the non-biological parent may not have legal rights.
However, your case is complex, hence consulting a family law attorney in Allentown would be beneficial.
The step mother has filed primary custody and sole custody
Hello ****, if a stepmother files for primary and sole custody in PA, it's important to note:
- The court will consider the child's best interest.
- Biological parents are typically favored unless proven unfit.
- You have the right to contest the custody filing.
Please consult with a family lawyer promptly.