Challenging Paternity Claims Alabama


The user is dealing with a paternity dispute in Alabama. The man claiming paternity has allegedly sexually abused her older daughter and is currently awaiting trial. The users deceased husband is listed as the father on the childs birth certificate. The man claiming paternity is facing charges of first and second degree sexual abuse.

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Me and my husband was going through a rough time we was never separated never divorced I became friends with this older man that manipulated me He's old enough to be my father I had my other two kids around him found out he sexually abused my oldest daughter I cut off all communications with him me and my husband work things out when I was 5 months pregnant my husband passed away now this other man is claiming to be my babies father and taking me to court for paternity testing this man is a pedophile My deceased husband is on her birth certificate and drawing benefits from my husband but he's claiming he is her father
I'm sorry to hear about your situation, ****. Have you reported the sexual abuse to the authorities?
Yes he has been arrested and indicted he is out on bond
What state are you currently residing in? This will help me provide you with the most accurate legal information.
What is the current status of the sexual abuse case against this man?
He has a hearing docket September 26th and waiting trial
What is the name of the court where the hearing is scheduled?
Franklin county
What is the nature of the charges against him in the sexual abuse case?

Franklin County Courthouse, Alabama:
Address: * N Jackson Ave, Russellville, AL *
Phone: (*) *-*
Sexually abuse 1st and 2nd degree
In Alabama:

- 1st degree sexual abuse involves sexual contact with a person who is incapable of consent.
- 2nd degree sexual abuse involves sexual contact with a person aged *-*.

Penalties vary based on the severity of the crime.