Retirement Benefits Post Divorce


In South Carolina, retirement benefits are divided during the divorce settlement. After the divorce is finalized, an ex-spouse cannot claim retirement benefits unless it was agreed upon in the divorce decree. Consulting with a local attorney is recommended for personalized advice.

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5 years after a no fault divore my ex spouse call and threatens me to go after my retirement and i have had no contact with her until the nasty call last night
Hello ****, I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Can you please provide me with your location so I can give you accurate information based on your state's laws?
Im in South Carolina
Hello ****, in South Carolina, division of retirement benefits happens during the divorce settlement. After the divorce is finalized, your ex-spouse cannot claim your retirement unless it was agreed upon in the divorce decree. However, I'd recommend consulting with a local attorney.
Thank you
You're welcome, ****. If you need further advice or assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. Stay safe.