Child Support Modification Dispute


The user is dealing with a motion to strike their petition for change in child support. The user claims to have submitted all necessary documents via email to the opposing partys lawyers and the clerks office. The documents included financial records of their privately held corporations. The user was advised by the opposing partys lawyers to only exchange documents between parties and not submit them to the clerks office. The user complied with this and also filed a proof of delivery. The user is now considering filing a response to the motion to strike.

Full Conversation

No, I did not
What was the reason for not submitting the printed documents to the court as advised by the clerk's office?

In Illinois, courts often require physical copies of documents. Failure to comply can lead to motions like the one you received.
I was told by the opposing lawyers that supporting documentation or discovery documents may not be submitted to the clerks office, but should only be exchanged between parties, and then I asked if I can just file a proof of delivery and would that be sufficient. I was told yes that would be sufficient. This conversation took place on October *. Right after this conversation is when I received a motion to strike my location. I did file the proof of delivery that day on October *, * for my submission of documents over email on * September *.
Did you get a written confirmation from the opposing lawyers about the agreement to only exchange documents between parties and not submitting to the clerk's office?
yes, the paralegal at the opposing parties. Lawyers office is the one who emailed me suggesting that discovery documents. It is improper to submit them to the clerks office and should be just exchange between parties. She sent this email on the second October.
Did you forward this email to the court as evidence of your compliance with the opposing party's request?

In Illinois, it's crucial to keep a record of all communications and submit them to the court when necessary.
I did reply all to this email chain and included the clerks office as well as the judges email. In this email today I also asked if their requirement for sufficient documentation is complete as I had submitted everything over email on 27th September. And that I had filed the proof of delivery for their email. and I asked if anything else is pending from my end that I can assist in providing
What was the response from the clerk's office or the judge after you included them in the email chain?

In Illinois, it's important to ensure all parties are aware of any changes in the submission process.
I haven’t received any response yet
What is the name of the court handling your case? This will help me provide you with their contact details so you can follow up on your submission.
Dupage 18th circuit court
The DuPage 18th Circuit Court is located at * N County Farm Rd, Wheaton, IL *. You can contact them at (*) *-* for any queries or follow-ups.
the clerk and judge was in CC and it was addressed to the lawyers
What was the exact content of the motion to strike your petition for change in child support?
MOTIONTOSTRIKE RESPONDENT'S PETITIONFORMODIFICATIONO FCHILD SUPPORT NOW COMES your Petitioner, ALANA RASHEL BENTLEY, yb and through her counsel Matthew M. Williams, PC.,. and as and for her Legal Argument and Response to Petition for Modification of Child Support, states as follows: This is a Post Decree Dissolution ofMarriage matter. Judgment for Dissolution having been entered on November *, *. This Court retains jurisdiction over the parties and the subiect matter hereto. .* The parties hereto have two (*) children in common: A. Y. and A. Y. (twins) born ni *, now age .* .* The Judgment required the Respondent to pay child support ni theamount of $*.* per month. *. On or about September *, *, Respondent filed a Petition for Modification of Child Support. The basis for his requested modification was alleged termination from employment. *. Respondent tendered his Financial Affidavit; however, he did not tender corroborating documentation as required pursuant to statute and local court rules. *. The Order of September *, * required Respondent to tender his corroborating documents "within 21 days" (October ,* *). .* According to Respondent's Financial Affidavit, he is receiving $*,*.* monthly in unemployment benefits. *. Additionaly, Respondent's Financial Affidavit indicates eh has over $*,*.* in personal bank accounts. *. Additionally, Respondent's Financial Affidavit indicates he has ni excess of $*,*.* in investment accounts. *. Respondent is also the sole shareholder of two (*) corporations, AON Apparel, LLC., and GT Procurement. *. Respondent has failed to tender any financial records as to his privately held corporations. Without said documents, it is impossible to determine Respondent's actual income. *. Respondent has failed ot comply with the Order of September *, *. *. Respondent has failed to comply with local court rules and statute. *. * ILCS */*-* provides, in relevant part, as follows: "(a) Al objections to pleadings shall be raised by motion. The motion shall point out specifically the defects complained of and shall ask for appropriate relief, such as: that a pleading or portion thereof be stricken because substantially in sufficient in law.. *. Respondent's Motion to Modify is substantially insufficient in law and should be stricken. WHEREFORE, your Petitioner, ALANA BENTLEY, respectfully prays this Honorable Court strike Respondent's Motion to Modify with prejudice, assess attorney fees and costs against Respondent and in favor of ALANA BENTLEY, and grant to ALANA BENTLEY such other and further relief as this Court deems just under the circumstances. Matthew M. Williams, PC. . Attorney Number: * Attorney for ALANA BENTLEY * N. Farnsworth Ave,. Suite * Aurora, LI * *-*-* Respectfully submitted by: ALANA BENTLEY;
Did you provide financial records for your privately held corporations as part of your supporting documents?
yes I did in my emails on the 27th
What is the nature of your privately held corporations and how do they affect your income?
theyre loss making so far as they are pretty new still
Did you include this information about your corporations' financial status in your supporting documents? In Illinois, it's important to provide complete financial disclosure, including the status of any businesses you own.
yes I did in my financial affidavit
yes I did give the info of the businesses in the financial affidavit and the supporting documents submitted on the 27th September
Did you provide the financial records of your corporations in the email sent to the opposing party's lawyers on September 27th?
What is the nature of the financial records you provided for your corporations?
i gave the bank statements and corporation forming documents
Did you also provide any documentation showing the current financial status of your corporations, such as profit and loss statements?
yes I did
yes I did
Based on your responses, it seems you have complied with the requirements. However, it's crucial to follow up with the court. Contact DuPage 18th Circuit Court at (*) *-* for updates.
should I file a response document?
Yes, you should file a response to the motion to strike. This will allow you to present your side and evidence to the court.
Can you draft a response for me please?
I'm sorry, but as a legal information provider, I'm unable to draft legal documents. I recommend contacting a local attorney or legal aid service for assistance.