Disputing Decree Paragraphs Explained


When someone denies a paragraph in a decree, they dispute the facts or claims in that part of the document, leading to further court discussions. In Utah, if paternity is denied, a court-ordered DNA test can be requested. If proven to be the father, legal obligations like child support apply. Refusal to pay can result in legal action. Consult a local family lawyer for specific advice.

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What does it mean when someone’s denies a paragraph in a decree
Hello ****, when someone denies a paragraph in a decree, they are disputing the facts or claims made in that specific part of the document. They disagree with the assertions made in that paragraph, and this will likely lead to further court discussions or negotiations.
What if someone denies their a father
If someone denies they're a father, they can request a paternity test. If proven to be the father, they may have legal obligations such as child support. This can vary by location, could you please provide your location?
In Utah:
- If paternity is denied, a court-ordered DNA test can be sought.
- If proven to be the father, he has obligations like child support.
- If he refuses to pay, legal action can be taken.
- Always consult with a local family lawyer for specific advice.