Protecting Assets In Marriage


As a New York resident, consider a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement to protect individual assets. Keeping assets acquired before marriage separate is also advisable. Consult a New York attorney for personalized advice.

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Ready for retirement getting married to noncitizen and not living in usa. How to protect my assets
Hello ****. It's critical to understand your location as laws vary by country. Here are some general tips:
*. Prenuptial Agreement: Protects individual assets.
*. Trusts: Can safeguard assets.
*. Separate Property: Keep assets acquired before marriage separate.
Please consult a local attorney for specific advice.
New york
Hello ****, as a New York resident, consider these options:
*. Prenuptial Agreement: Can protect individual assets.
*. Postnuptial Agreement: Similar to prenup but signed after marriage.
*. Separate Property: Keep assets acquired before marriage separate.
*. Consult a New York attorney for personalized advice.