Financial Orders During Divorce


Financial orders in England are generally handled during divorce, not separation. Without a financial order, financial ties remain, allowing future claims. A Clean Break Order is recommended to prevent future claims. Consult a solicitor for personalized advice.

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When do financial orders get split? At separation or divorce
Hello ****, the division of financial orders can depend on your location. Could you please confirm where you are based?
In England:
- Financial orders are generally dealt with during divorce proceedings, not at separation.
- A 'Decree Absolute' legally ends the marriage, but financial matters must be settled separately.
- A 'Financial Order' from the court is needed to divide assets.
Please consult a solicitor for personalized advice.
Historical financial order
Could you please clarify what you mean by "historical financial order"? Are you referring to a past financial order that has already been implemented or something else?
No financial order on divorce
In England, if there was no financial order at the time of your divorce:
- The financial ties between you and your ex-spouse haven't been legally severed.
- Either party can make future financial claims.
- You should seek a 'Clean Break Order' to avoid future claims.
Please consult a solicitor for personalized advice.