Florida Sibling Violence Laws


Violence is generally unacceptable, and in Florida, assault and battery are illegal. Siblings do not have the right to discipline each other, and guardianship requires a legal process. If you feel unsafe, contact law enforcement or a trusted adult.

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Even if he claimed he was disciplining me?
Even if your sibling claims he was disciplining you, hitting may still be considered illegal. In Florida, only parents or legal guardians have limited rights to discipline children, not siblings. If you feel unsafe, please reach out to an adult you trust or contact law enforcement.
does my brother become a guardian if my mother is not present in home
In Florida, a sibling doesn't automatically become a guardian if a parent isn't present. Guardianship requires a legal process through the courts. If you're in a situation where your safety is in question, it's important to reach out to authorities or a trusted adult.