Child Protective Services Visit


Child Protective Services (CPS) can investigate claims of child endangerment, even if the incident occurred elsewhere. You have the right to deny entry without a court order, request their credentials, and understand the purpose of their visit. Consulting an attorney is advisable if you feel your rights are being violated. Local legal aid resources in Toledo, Ohio, include Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc. And Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc.

Full Conversation

My daughter was breaking up a fight between her mom and her boyfriend at his house my daughter lives with me and now csb is wanting to come into my house what should i do i don't want them in my house
Hello ****,
Child protective services have a right to investigate claims of child endangerment. Your options are:
- Cooperate voluntarily
- Seek advice from a local attorney
Could you provide your location to suggest the nearest legal aid services?
But the incident wasn't at my house i allowed them to talk to my daughter but now they are wanting to come here like im neglecting my kids
Hello ****,
Child Protective Services can visit your home if they deem it necessary for the investigation. However:
- You have the right to deny entry without a court order.
- You can request their credentials and purpose of visit.
- Consult an attorney if you feel your rights are being violated.
Could you share your location to suggest local legal aid?
Toledo ohio
Hello ****,
Here are some resources for legal aid in Toledo, Ohio:
- Advocates for Basic Legal Equality, Inc.
Phone: (*) *-*
- Legal Aid of Western Ohio, Inc.
Phone: (*) *-*
Remember, it's important to consult with a legal professional before making any decisions.
If criminal case was dismissed in Illinois how do you get your foid card back from Illinois state police
To reclaim your FOID card after a dismissal in Illinois, you must:
- Contact the Illinois State Police Firearms Services Bureau.
- Provide proof of the case dismissal.
- Submit a request for the return of your FOID card.
If you face any issue, consider consulting a local attorney.